Clement & Amy Marcus
Clement Marcus has served on the University Medical Center Foundation Board since its inception and has served as the Chair of that body since 2012. An active, enthusiastic collaborator, partner, and fundraiser, Clement has been instrumental in introducing key members of the community to the UMC/EPCH campus.
In 2009, Amy Marcus was one of twenty Founders of the University Medical Center Volunteer Corps, an organization that now counts more than 2200 registered volunteers.
As one of the early families who actively supported the need for a Children's Hospital in El Paso, Amy and Clement have had a profound influence on the direction of El Paso Children's through their advocacy and support and set an inspiring example of leadership.
Parents of three children, Troy, Paige, and a special needs son, Mitchell, the Marcus family knows first hand the experience of looking for the right speicalized care and the importance the right answers at the right time can make. It is their hope that other families can find the care they need right here at home.
In 2013, Mitchell achieved national fame from a last second basket he made at a highly contested Coronado/Franklin High game that won the game for Coronado. Made possible by a pass from Franklin player, Jonathon Montanez, this spirit of sportsmanship became a national story resulting in a documentary. "A Perfect Turnover" told the unique tale of basketball chivalry but also the story of the Marcus family's dedication and commitment to Mitchell's success and their collective joy in his accomplishments.
Amy and Clement used the red carpet premier of the documentary "A Perfect Turnover" to raise money for El Paso Children's Hospital. Family, friends and business associates filled two El Paso theatres for the special evening. And then... as if they weren't already going above and beyond... Amy and Clement personally provided a match to fundraising from the premier evening.
Their family's impact has been felt across the campus.